I started drilling holes for the knobs today, with my handy template. Last night, Alex and I agreed on a proper place for the knobs to go, on both the drawers and doors.
So far, I've encountered a couple of problems:
1 - the screws included are too short to go through our drawer fronts (no big deal, just another trip to the hardware store)
2 - We never marked the holes for the knobs on the smaller doors (only the pulls). So I ended up using a lower hole for the knobs. I realized this when I went to go to a pull on a lower door and had to use different holes than planned. Not a big deal, Alex just really liked pulls/knobs higher up on the doors. I haven't told him this yet, and I am considering using the originally chosen holes for the rest of the upper pulls (I don't think anyone would notice that they are slightly different, since overall, they would look the same).
3 - The real issue -- we didn't account for where the door hits the base of the cabinets, so, the screw behind the knob is hitting the cabinets. Over time, this can cause a gauge in the cabinets and it sticks out from the base cabinet more than it should.
Right now, for problem #3, I put a felt back over the back of the screw, which helps damper that effect. Unfortunately, the cabinets are still sticking out slightly from the base, but I don't think anyone would ever notice that. But for now, I'm waiting for Alex to get home from work before I drill any more (If we have to go back, wood fill, repaint and then redrill, I want to minimize the amount of rework).
But this is one of the sets that are up:
We're using the small knobs on the smaller doors/drawers and the pulls on the rest of the larger doors. Hopefully, this will give is some differentiation and some interest!